Penta helix, Community-based tourism (CBT), community local wisdomAbstract
This paper highlights the key stakeholders' influences on the local community's involvement in CBT development. Further, this paper explores the potential of Penta-Helix multi-stakeholders collaboration as a viable CBT development strategy. Through systematic content analysis, this paper explores the link between CBT, the Penta-Helix development model and how it intertwines with local community wisdom empowerment. This paper identifies three gaps in community-based tourism: i) Shortcomings from the top-down tourism development planning system, ii) the need for more collaboration between the community and the tourism stakeholders and iii) the lack of community local wisdom empowerment. This paper reflects on the nexus between tourism and local community wisdom inclusiveness, particularly in the CBT sustainability realm. This paper highlighted how the Penta-Helix cooperation could be achieved through optimising the community's local wisdom role through collaborative actions by the academics, business, government, and media as tourism core stakeholders.
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