Gastronomy Tourism, Culinary Tourism, Food Production, Local FoodAbstract
Food industries are essential to shaping and structuring destination food tourism focus and the overall food industry. By highlighting regional distinctiveness and the contribution of local food to distinctive visitor experiences as well as boosting the local economy, destinations and food producers or businesses must recognize the significance of local food and gastronomy experience in tourism. This research used qualitative techniques and was conducted in the states of Pahang and Terengganu in East Coast Malaysia (ECM). Since food production in ECM is one of the key contributions to the regional economy and a significant locally-owned industry, 13 food producers were picked for the interviews. Food producers are therefore essential for a destination to ensure that the local cuisine satisfies tourists' growing interest in and demand for local cuisine as well as their quest for an exceptional local food experience. In this regard, the research incorporated the viewpoints of the ECM local food producers to offer a beneficial and substantial contribution to developing gastrotourism and destinations.
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