Duties of Authors

Standard Requirement

Authors of original research are expected to provide an accurate depiction of their work and offer an objective discussion of its significance. It is crucial that the data from the research be accurately represented within the article. Sufficient detail and references should be included to enable others to replicate the work. Any fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements are considered unethical behaviour and are not tolerated.

Data Access and Retention

Authors may be required to supply the raw data accompanying an article submitted for editorial review. Additionally, authors should ensure accessibility to data that corroborates their findings, thereby upholding transparency and reproducibility.


Authors are required to guarantee the originality of their work, proper citation, and the absence of plagiarism. Plagiarism in any form is not tolerated. Authors should ensure that they have created completely original content, and if they have incorporated the work and/or words of others, proper citation or quotation is necessary. All such quotes and citations must be accurately listed in the References section at the conclusion of the article.

Multiple Publication

Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals concurrently is considered unethical publishing behaviour and is not acceptable. Additionally, authors should generally avoid submitting papers previously published in one journal for consideration in another journal.

Acknowledgement of Data Sources

Authors must consistently provide proper acknowledgment of the work of others. This includes citing publications that have influenced the nature of the reported work. Authors are required to acknowledge all sources of data utilized in their research and cite publications that have influenced their work.

Paper Authorship

Authorship should be restricted to individuals who have contributed significantly to the conception, execution, or interpretation of the research findings being reported. All co-authors who have made a substantial contribution to the research must be included in the list.

Corresponding Author

The corresponding author is responsible for communicating with the journal regarding publication. It is their duty to ensure the inclusion of all appropriate co-authors and the exclusion of any inappropriate ones. All co-authors must have reviewed and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to its submission for publication. The manuscript should clearly identify one corresponding author, designated as either Professor, Senior Lecturer, or PhD Candidate at Name of University, along with their email address.

Acknowledgment of Funding Sources

Funding sources for the research outlined in the article should be appropriately acknowledged at the article's conclusion. Authors are required to transparently disclose and identify the entities that provided financial support for the research and/or article preparation. Additionally, authors should provide a brief description of the role of the sponsor(s), if any, in study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, manuscript writing, and decision to submit for publication. If the funding source(s) had no involvement in these aspects, it is advisable to mention this.

Disclosure Statement

Author is required to acknowledge any financial or non-financial interests that have emerged directly from your research. These interests may encompass a range of factors such as political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, and intellectual considerations. Studies involving human subjects, human material, or human data must have obtained approval from an ethics committee and informed consent from participants. Author shall also indicate that there are no pertinent competing interests to disclose within the article, for example: "The authors declare no competing interests”.

Fundamental errors in published works

Authors are typically granted a period by the Editorial Team to review the published work shortly after it is available on the website, prior informing Index Sites (such as Scopus, WOS). If an author detects a significant error or inaccuracy in their published work, they are responsible for promptly informing the journal Editor or Publisher and collaborating with the Editor to retract or rectify the paper.


Copyright & Creative Commons License

eISSN: 0128-0945 © Year. The Authors. Published for Malaysia Institute of Planners. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.

The authors hold the copyright without restrictions and also retain publishing rights without restrictions.