
  • Nurul Ashikin Mabahwi School of Housing, Building and Planning, UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA
  • Hitoshi Nakamura Department of Planning, Architecture and Environmental Systems, SHIBAURA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JAPAN




GIS, flood shelters, AHP, evacuation, WOA, flood


Floods significantly impact lives, infrastructure, and economies, especially in disaster-prone regions such as Kuantan, Malaysia. This study aims to develop a suitability map for flood shelters in Kuantan, Pahang, by employing the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Weighted Overlay Analysis (WOA) within ArcGIS software. Geospatial criteria such as elevation, slope, proximity to disaster-prone areas, landslides, floods, and land use were used as parameters. The results indicated that 21% of flood shelters were in unsuitable locations, 32% were in moderately suitable areas, 39% were in very suitable areas, and 8% were in extremely suitable sites. This study highlighted the critical role of geospatial criteria in selecting flood shelter sites and advocated for continuous reassessment to optimise their effectiveness and safety. The research provides valuable insights for urban planning and disaster risk reduction, emphasising the necessity for strategic, data-driven decision-making to enhance urban resilience against floods.


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