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Paiman, Tuminah, Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA
Pambudi, Setyo, Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL YOGYAKARTA
Pampanga, D. G., Graduate School UNIVERSITY OF MINDANAO
Pampanga, Dario G., Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Pandita, Hita, Department of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Mineral Technology, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI NASIONAL YOGYAKARTA
Pati, Siddhartha, Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA TERENGGANU
Paul Devadason, Evelyn Shyamala, Faculty of Economics and Administration, UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
Pei, Pei, College of Architecture and Urban Planning TONGJI UNIVERSITY, SHANGHAI, CHINA.
Pei Nei, Penny Goh, Faculty of Technology and Informatics Razak, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA KUALA LUMPUR
Peng Au-Yong, Cheong, Department of Building Surveying, Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
Peng Tey, Nai, Faculty of Economics and Administration UNIVERSITI MALAYA
Peng Tey, Nai, Population Studies Unit, Faculty of Business and Economics, UNIVERSITI MALAYA (Malaysia)
Perdana, Ryzal, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, UNIVERSITY OF LAMPUNG, INDONESIA
Pereira, Joy Jacqueline, Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA
Permana, Ariva Sugandi, Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Permana, Chrisna T., Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, UNIVERSITAS SEBELAS MARET SURAKARTA
Peroz, Sharifullah, Department of Disaster Management, Faculty of Environment, KABUL UNIVERSITY (KU), AFGHANISTAN
Pettit, Christopher J., Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITY OF NEW SOUTH WALES
Pimid, Marcela, School of Housing, Building, and Planning UNIVERSITI SAINS MALAYSIA
Pimid, Marcela, Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH (Malaysia)
Ping Ngang, Chee, Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA
Pingking, Andreas, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH
Pirdaus Yusoh, Mohamad, Borneo Institute for Indigenous Studies, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH
Pirdaus Yusoh, Mohamad, Borneo Institute for Indigenous Studies, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH (UMS)
Pirdaus Yusoh, Mohamad, orneo Institute for Indigenous Studies (BorIIS), UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH

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