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Sulaiman, Nazia Khalida, Urban and Regional Planning Program, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Sulaiman, Noralfishah, Faculty of Technology Management & Business UNIVERSITI TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA
Sulaiman, Noralfishah, Faculty of Technology Management & Business UNIVERSITY TUN HUSSEIN ONN MALAYSIA
Sulaiman, Normah, Faculty of Built Environment, Engineering, Technology & Design TAYLORS’ UNIVERSITY
Sulaiman, Raha, Centre for Building, Construction and Tropical Architecture Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITY OF MALAYA
Sulaiman, Sabri, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, UNIVERSITI SULTAN ZAINAL ABIDIN, TERENGGANU, MALAYSIA
Sulaiman, Sabri, Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, UNIVERSITY SULTAN ZAINAL ABIDIN, MALAYSIA
Sulaiman, Saiful Aman, Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Surveying, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA
Sulaiman, Siti Sarah, Faculty of Law, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA
Suliman, Suhailizan, Department of Real Estate, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA,
Suliman, Suhailizan, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Sulistio, Hendrik, Civil Engineering Doctoral Program, UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA JAKARTA
Sulistio, Hendrik, Civil Engineering, TARUMANAGARA UNIVERSITY, INDONESIA
Sulistyono, Sonya, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UNIVERSITAS JEMBER (UNEJ), EAST JAVA, INDONESIA
Sulong, Zaniman, VERITAS Architects Sdn. Bhd. 200301009748 (612168-X), KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
Sultan, Zahid, Faculty of Built Environment UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Sunardi, Sunardi, Graduate Program on Environmental Studies, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN, BANDUNG, INDONESIA
Sunardi, Sunardi, Graduate Program on Environmental Studies, UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN, INDONESIA
Sunjata, Vidi, Civil Engineering Doctoral Program, UNIVERSITAS TARUMANAGARA JAKARTA
Supramanian, Rama Krishna, Dept. of Social and Preventative Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITI MALAYA
Supriyanto, Heri, Directorate General of State Asset Management MINISTRY OF FINANCE, INDONESIA
Suratman, Robiah, Faculty of Built and Environment UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Suratman, Robiah, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA
Suratman, Robiah, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA (Malaysia)

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