Domestic tourism, Penang, push and pull factors, travel motivationAbstract
The services provided by those operating in the tourism industry, including destination managers, tourism strategists and tourism distributors, can be improved through a good understanding of the factors which prompt tourists to travel, or to opt for particular destinations. This study delves into the push and pull (P&P) theory, to identify the travel motivations (TMs) of domestic tourists, who visit the Malaysian state of Penang. A survey involving the participation of 504 domestic tourists, revealed these TMs as: (a) the natural sights and cultural experiences presented, (b) the gourmet dining and shopping attractions available, as well as (c) the quality tourist support infrastructure and services provided. It is our recommendation, that the findings derived through this investigation, be taken into consideration by local government officials and players in the Penang tourism industry, to enhance the quality of the tourism products available, as well as to promote the tourism products deemed most attractive to visitors.
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