International travellers, travel motivation, attraction motivation, repulsion motivation, sociodemographicAbstract
The generation of international travellers is no longer considered a barrier to tourists to visit places of interest during leisure time. Travelling is about learning, knowledge, and thinking channels. However, most tourists will not travel long distances efficiently, contributing to the lack of interest in international tourist visits. This study aims to identify the motivational factors driving international tourists to travel to Penang based on travel motivation, characteristics, and sociodemographic. The three objectives prompted the investigation. First, to identify the demographic characteristics of international tourists to Penang. Second, to explain the motivation to want to 'seek knowledge and innovation' is the main thrust that drives travel generation. Third, to determine the motivation of the main attractions that can attract international tourists. A set of questionnaires was used to obtain the quantitative data. The questionnaire was distributed and a total of 370 international were in the tourist attractions around Penang. The data was obtained as analysed using the SPSS software. The study results explained that these international tourists consist of young people aged between 21-20 years. Next, there is a significant relationship between sociodemographic and tourist travel characteristics. The main push factor, 'desire to seek knowledge and innovation,' is the motivational factor that brings tourists to Penang, and the main attraction factor is the 'cultural and historical' factor that is possessed in each state.
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