Aeroponics, Aquaponics, Conceptual Framework, Hydroponics, Life Cycle Cost ComponentAbstract
Urban farming (UF) has become popular, and several cities are trying to enhance sustainability by improving urban greenery and urban farming. In addition to supporting food security within the area, it benefits the people’s health and well-being and the surrounding environment. This results in a shifting of time consumption from spending time outside, like travelling and shopping, to commuting to activities within home boundaries. Therefore, UF is becoming an activity for residential communities besides working and studying. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the significant Life Cycle Cost (LCC) components concerning the UF practices. The objective of the research is to establish the attributes of UF practice throughout the LC phase. Hence, the findings of the paper indicate the conceptual framework for LCC components concerning the UF practices which are beneficial to practitioners. To achieve this aim, previous studies on types, techniques, and components of UF technology and practices throughout the LC phase, have been explored in both local and international contexts. Thirteen (13) papers from journal and conference papers were reviewed to determine the LCC components of UF according to life cycle (LC) phases. The attribute placed in the respective phase is based on thematic techniques. The paper’s findings indicate that the LCC components occur during Planning, Installation, Management, Maintenance, and Harvesting/ Disposal.
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