Outdoor Recreation, Constraints, Rural, UrbanAbstract
This study examined the relationship between motivational and constraint factors of outdoor recreational participation among rural and urban communities. Questionnaires were used as the main instrument of the research and were distributed to a number of 384 respondents who were among individuals living in rural and urban areas. Based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), the analysis revealed that the RII score for each outdoor recreational engagement motivational factor was at the highest level, as the p-value of the index obtained for each item was more than 0.50. The analysis also revealed that the primary constraint for outdoor recreation participation among both sample studies was the factor of time with a value of (P<.05). As statistical findings of the study indicated how constraint factors could influence motivational factors in the participation of outdoor recreation, it is crucial that future studies also look into constraint issues of respondents to identify and explore motivational factors in the field of rural and urban planning.
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