Asset performance, Asset performance measurement, village asset, implementationAbstract
The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of the village asset performance measurement implementation that is yet available in Indonesia. The assessment is focused on the regulation perspective and readiness of the village. This study uses qualitative approach that examines the condition of natural objects where the author acts as a key instrument that digs up data, examines data, and interprets data. The research samples were taken by applying purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques. The results show that there are at least two challenges and opportunities of asset performance measurement implementations. Firstly, the opportunity for implementation comes from the existing Village Law that enables the government to make lower regulations as a basis to implement asset performance measurement. In addition, the complexity of village natures and autonomies should be adopted by the regulation created by the government. Secondly, village administration readiness is also an implementation challenge. Other challenges include village leadership issues, land problems, professionalism, and human resources. This study was conducted in the Indonesian context. Further research is required to create an experiment of asset performance measurement experiment so that the hurdles of the implementation can be furtherly analyzed. These findings are likely to have significant implications for both local and central governments to create policies and regulations related to asset performance measurement implementation.
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