Urbanization, land use change, GISAbstract
The change in land uses in rural areas is often associated with urbanization process. However, urbanization and industrialization also caused dramatic changes in the land use of rural areas and small towns, where a significant loss of agricultural land and an increase in the construction of rural settlements have led to transformation from non-built-up to built-up land uses. Factors influencing this transformation are many, ranging from physical, economic, social and environmental reasons. This paper intends to study land use changes from 2006 to 2020, determine land use growth parameters, and establish whether the identified physical factors conform to the land use growth and changes in Guar Cempedak, Kedah by applying the technique of overlay, AHP and fishnet using GIS. Findings of the study show that there were significant land use changes during the period of 2006 to 2014, where commercial, institution and public facilities and transportation experienced significant increase, while non-built land uses such as forest, lost more than 90% of its area to other land uses. Distance to transport network and distance to commercial activities identified as the main influencing factors, have been found to be consistent with the result of intensity analysis on land use changes in this small town.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Abdul Ghapar Othman, Kausar Hj. Ali, Izuandi Yin, Mou Leong Tan, Nurul Hanisah Mohd Jizan

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