Change detection, Geospatial analysis, Land change, Supervised classificationAbstract
The process of rapid urbanization has significantly altered natural landscapes and contributed to climate variability. Due to urbanization, land surface characteristics are changing, resulting in a changing thermal climate making cities warmer than surrounding rural areas. The study utilized remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) technologies to analyze the connection between land use and land cover (LULC) change and climatic variability in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia. The outcome showed that the greatest LULC change resulted from converting vegetation and bare land into built-up areas, with 25.46% and 10.17% respectively. This represents the rapid expansion of urban land caused by population growth. LST increment averaged 3.65°C in the last decade due to this massive increase in built-up areas. A linear regression analysis between LST and LULC indices, NDBI and NDVI shows that they are positively correlated. By understanding these two variables, land use planning could be further improved, hence, reducing the city's vulnerability towards climate variability.
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