
  • Zainab Abdul Latiff Faculty of Design and Architecture UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
  • Mohd Yazid Mohd Yunos Faculty of Design and Architecture UNIVERSITI PUTRA MALAYSIA
  • Maheran Mohd Yaman Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY MALAYSIA




Persian garden, Chahar-Bagh, Islamic garden, contemporary garden, planning and design


The ancient garden plan, the Chahar-Bagh, was originally put onto ground for the purpose of organizing garden in an arid landscape of Persia besides a symbol of political territory. This quadripartite plan of garden was found as early as 600 BC during Achaemenid era. Therefore, claims made in various scholarships that referred Chahar-Bagh as an Islamic garden basic pattern is apparently deceiving the true meaning of Islam, which came into the world in seventh century. The method of content analysis and library search that emphasized on the theories and principles of Persian garden have been adopted in this study. To conclude, Chahar-Bagh pattern preceded Islam therefore, assigning it as the basic pattern of Islamic garden planning and design is irrelevant.



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How to Cite

Abdul Latiff, Z., Mohd Yunos, M. Y., & Mohd Yaman, M. (2017). A DISCOURSE ON THE PERSIAN CHAHAR-BAGH AS AN ISLAMIC GARDEN. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 15(3). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v15i3.303