TripAdvisor Reviews, Public Transport, Urban Tourists, MotivationAbstract
Analysis of online reviews on tourism studies has been widely used among researchers. Transportation plays an important role and acts as a medium to connect tourists towards tourist destinations. There is still a lack of studies concerning their reasons for using public transport. Hence, this study addresses to investigates the extrinsic and intrinsic motivation of tourists to use public transport in Kuala Lumpur through TripAdvisor. This research analyses 3,345 reviews of Go KL City Bus, Light Rail Transit (LRT) Kelana Jaya Line, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), Monorail and RapidKL Bus in Kuala Lumpur, manually using NVivo 12.0 to determine their reasons for using the bus service through content analysis. The findings indicate that the majority of the tourists’ motivation to ride public transport is for sightseeing and exploring the city for free. Understanding tourists’ motivation to use public transport could assist tourism agencies in providing proper facilities for them to reach tourism destinations easily.
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