PPR Environment, B40, Attitude and Quality of LifeAbstract
In Malaysia, the burgeoning population has increased the demand for affordable housing, leading to the establishment of Low-Income Housing Programs (PPR) to assist the B40 income group. Despite the noble intentions, PPR communities face challenges, especially with residents' behaviours such as improper waste disposal, which exacerbate cleanliness and safety issues. These behaviours negatively affect living conditions and contribute to an increase in crime rates within these areas. Numerous studies have investigated how the PPR environment impacts residents' quality of life, highlighting the prevalence of detrimental living conditions. Although extensive research has been conducted on the structural and operational aspects of PPR housing, more studies are needed to explore the direct impact of residents' attitudes on their quality of life. This study aims to bridge this gap by examining the intermediary role of residents' attitudes towards their environment and its subsequent effect on their quality of life. Utilizing data from a survey conducted in five states with PPR residents and employing the Partial Least Squares (PLS) method, the study found significant correlations between the PPR environment, residents' attitudes, and their quality of life, underscoring the crucial role of attitude in shaping the living experiences of PPR inhabitants.
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