Community empowerment, marine tourism, functional approach, coastal communitiesAbstract
This research examined the empowerment of coastal communities through the development of marine tourism, employing a functional approach. The coastal area of Taman Roya Village in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, holds significant tourism potential, yet the local community has not fully capitalised on this opportunity. The study aims to identify the potential for marine tourism in Taman Roya Village and to design a comprehensive empowerment strategy grounded in functional sociology. Using a descriptive qualitative methodology, data were collected through field observations, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions with 30 marine tourism stakeholders, and a relevant literature review. Thematic analysis was employed to explore the roles and functions of various stakeholders in marine tourism development and to assess the potential for community empowerment. The findings indicate that the development of marine tourism can be an effective tool for empowering coastal communities when implemented through an appropriate functional approach. Taman Roya Village has substantial marine resources, which, when developed, can significantly improve the quality of life for its residents. Key factors include active community participation, capacity building, collaboration among stakeholders, and supportive government policies, such as infrastructure improvements and community skills training in managing marine resources. The practical implications of this study suggest that a functional approach to marine tourism development can empower local communities, enhance economic welfare, foster stakeholder collaboration, and promote sustainable coastal management.
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