
  • Nurrohman Wijaya Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BANDUNG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (ITB), INDONESIA
  • Maulia Wijayati Department of Urban and Regional Planning, BANDUNG INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (ITB), INDONESIA




Walking Tour, Push and Pull Factors, Sustainable Tourism, Tourists’ Decision, Urban Environment


Walking is a practical and popular tourist activity, but it remains underexplored in the field of tourism. Although extensive literature has been published on topics related to walking and walkability driven by public health, sustainability, livability, and urban design concerns, tourism sector requires deeper exploration, particularly in urban settings. Walking tourism has been observed to possess the capability to promote sustainable tourism. Therefore, this study aims to examine the influence of motivation on the decision of tourists to engage in walking tour in urban tourism areas of Bandung City, Indonesia. Data from 220 tourists and interviews with resource persons were subsequently analysed using multiple linear regression to assess the impact of push and pull factors on walking tourism decisions. The results showed that tourist motivation significantly influences walking tourism decisions. The motivating factors include physical health, pleasure and satisfaction, knowledge gained, and local community behaviour. Physical health and relaxation were considered crucial push factors, while tourists’ attractions and social media promotions were categorized as significant pull factors. This study provides valuable input for local governments and tourism agencies seeking to develop sustainable urban tourism destinations.


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How to Cite

Wijaya, N., & Wijayati, M. (2024). EXPLORING BANDUNG CITY ON FOOT: WHAT MOTIVATES TOURISTS TO JOIN WALKING TOURS?. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(34). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v22i34.1579