
  • Mohamad Pirdaus Yusoh Borneo Institute for Indigenous Studies, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH
  • Amal Najihah Muhamad Nor Faculty of Earth Science, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN
  • Kamarul Ariffin Hambali Faculty of Earth Science, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN
  • Normah Abdul Latip Borneo Institute for Indigenous Studies, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH
  • Muhamad Azahar Abas Faculty of Earth Science, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA KELANTAN




Waste-to-Wealth, Waste Disposal Practices, Knowledge, Awareness


This manuscript explores Teluk Renjuna communities’ willingness to participate in the waste-to-wealth program. Waste-to-wealth is an initiative to reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal. The total number of respondents who participated in this study was 118 respondents. Analysis indicated a reasonable waste disposal practice among respondents, with moderate knowledge and high awareness of the waste-to-wealth program. Besides that, this study found no significant sociodemographic impact on the knowledge and awareness of respondents on the waste-to-wealth program, except for age, income, and marital status. A Pearson Correlation test assessed the significance between knowledge, awareness, practices, and willingness. The results indicated a weak relationship between practices and willingness. A moderate relationship was found between knowledge and willingness, and a strong relationship was observed between awareness and willingness. The findings of this study are crucial to help government agencies or NGOs in planning suitable waste-to-wealth programs for the island community.


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How to Cite

Yusoh, M. P., Muhamad Nor, A. N., Hambali, K. A., Abdul Latip, N., & Abas, M. A. (2024). WILLINGNESS OF ISLAND COMMUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN THE WASTE-TO-WEALTH PROGRAM: A CASE STUDY IN TELUK RENJUNA, TUMPAT, KELANTAN, MALAYSIA. PLANNING MALAYSIA, 22(33). https://doi.org/10.21837/pm.v22i33.1538

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