Geoheritage, Geopark, Kulon Progo, SWOT, YogyakartaAbstract
Since the establishment of 20 geological sites as Geoheritage sites in the Yogyakarta region, this has encouraged the Provincial Government's desire to form a national-scale Yogya Geopark area. The plan to form the Yogya Geopark area certainly requires an in-depth study so that the plan can be achieved. Of the twenty sites, 5 of them are in the Kulon Progo area. This study aims to find out how the conditions of the five geoheritage locations in Kulon Progo are, with the final result evaluating the readiness of the five locations in supporting the proposed Yogyakarta National Geopark area. The research method is in the form of field observations at the five locations. The results of the field data collection were then carried out by a SWOT analysis referring to the criteria from the Government. Of the five geosites in Kulon Progo, only two locations met the requirements, namely Mangan Kliripan-Karangsari and Kiskenda Cave. Hard and planned efforts are needed for structuring the geoheritage area in Kulon Progo so that it can support the Yogya Geopark proposal.
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