Housing Preferences, Housing Purchasing Decision, Transit Oriented DevelopmentAbstract
Housing preference among urban dwellers in Kota Kinabalu’s Transit Oriented Development area is an important issue since housing unit prices are often expensive nowadays. Urban dwellers face a wide range of problems, and as they have evolved into the primary segment of the housing market, they have been continuously confronted with housing decisions based on their preferences. Apart from that, preferences for features of the housing units and developments vary among different groups of urban dwellers based on their demographic profiles. This study aims to identify the most common preferences among urban dwellers that influence their housing purchasing decisions in Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) areas. The data was obtained through a questionnaire survey using a convenience sampling approach. Based on 105 working adult-age respondents, the findings indicated that based on the mean and ranking score, the preference aspect that influenced purchasing decisions the most was the neighbourhood and income factor at a 4.98 mean value.
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