Neighbourhood obesogenic environment, COVID-19, MalaysiaAbstract
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, obesity is already a pandemic illness on its own. It has been a public health priority in developing countries especially Malaysia where the obesity rate in the country is one of the highest in South East Asia. Early studies have concurred that the presence of COVID-19 makes anatomising the obesity pandemic even more urgent as impaired metabolic health increase complications and mortality in COVID-19 patients. COVID-19 induced movement restriction orders and related policies by the Malaysia government are believed to have altered the country’s food and physical activity environments. The paper expanded the original Neighbourhood Environment, Health Behaviours and BMI (NEHB-BMI Model) where the pathways of neighbourhood obesogenic environment that reflects COVID-19 induced changes to the constructs from the perspective of Malaysia is presented. Through the discussion, three key variables were added to the model: 1) government environment; 2) establishment/business environment; and 3) individual psychosocial factors. Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 to the obesogenic environment constructs paves way to gauging insights by allowing associations between the presented variables to be tested in future studies, especially in the South East Asian region where such studies are very limited.
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