Payment rates, Assessment, Willingness to Pay, Tourist DestinationAbstract
The state of Sabah is rich in unique and interesting natural resources, history, festivals and culture. This diversity of products and attractions has led to an increase in domestic and international tourist arrivals to the state. This article aims to examine the payment rates and tourist willingness to pay those who visit different tourist destinations in Kundasang-Ranau and Kota Belud, Sabah. The evaluation and case study research methods were used in this study. In this study, the evaluation and case study research methods were applied. A total of 150 people took part in this study, who visited a variety of tourist attractions in Kundasang-Ranau. There were 93 respondents in Kota Belud who took part in the study. The findings show that all the tourist destinations in Kundasang-Ranau charge visitors an entrance fee. Only five tourist attractions in Kota Belud require an entry fee. In Kota Belud, all designated tourist places charge a service fee, but in Kundasang-Ranau, only a few charges a service fee to tourists. The survey's findings also revealed that most respondents in both study locations considered the fee charged was appropriate in comparison to the services provided by the tourist attractions visited. In summary, the desire to pay among the respondents questioned was impacted by payment rates at tourist destinations in both locations.
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