Connectedness to nature, pro-environmental behaviour, psychological restoration, urban parkAbstract
About 29.2% of Malaysians have been diagnosed with psychological distress, especially young adults. The B40 low-income group is most afflicted due to financial restrictions and limiting access to medication. Therefore, urban parks’ connectedness and pro-environmental behaviour towards psychological restoration are inexpensive ways to alleviate distress. This study examines the relationship between Connectedness to Nature (CN), Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB), and Psychological Restoration (PR). Three hypotheses were used to create a structural model to guide the cross-sectional methodology used for the study. A total of 161 students responded to the Google Form questionnaire. SPSS v21 and Smart-PLS 3.2.7 were used to examine the model relationship. The results showed that all hypotheses were supported by substantial statistical evidence. This study provides an important direction to motivate people to utilize urban parks for obtaining psychological restoration benefits costeffectively. Green behaviour is also beneficial for humans and the environment in promoting healthy living.
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