physical landscape, public spaces, social sustainability, traditional settlementAbstract
Landscape is a dynamic system in geography that has a spatial structure created by natural and cultural causes. Landscapes are made up of geophysical, which are formed by physical terrain elements (mountains, hills and water bodies and streams), living elements (indigenous plants), man-made elements (land uses, buildings, and structures), and temporary elements such as lighting and weather conditions. Traditional settlements are one of the key cultural land-uses and landscape assets in terms of history, customs, culture, and architecture. Modernization and continuous development have sometimes radically altered the physical terrain environment over time, obliterating traditional settlements in favor of more modern land uses with public facilities. Will these facilities continue to operate as a social sustainability accelerator for residents living in traditional settlements? This research aims to address the roles of the public infrastructure in determining the social sustainability of the people in two traditional settlements in Kuala Terengganu. A mixed methods strategy was used in this study, which comprised of observation and survey questionnaires. To identify the important components that determine social sustainability, a questionnaire survey was employed that collected data from 400 residents. The major conclusions emphasize three most significant characteristics of public space under the most preferred public infrastructures selected by the residents: They are: (i) adequate amenities; (ii) public spaces that support a variety of activities; and (iii) public spaces that are accessible to the general public. The research implicates that a better socio-cultural and traditional heritage will be generated and preserved as a result of a more organised settlement, underlining the value of culture and history in developing a sense of community and belonging.
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