Land Use Conflict, Land Development Approval, Decision-MakingAbstract
The inconsistency of legal coordination is one of the contributing factors in land use conflict. This scenario implicates various objections to the court due to the dissatisfaction of the landowners and developers with the decision of land development approval. In Malaysia, studies about land use conflict in land development conducted by previous researchers only cater on conflict factors and not in the perspective of its operational approach by the stakeholder. Therefore, this paper aims to identify the decision-making principles for decision-makers in grant land development approval. This paper adopts qualitative methods that consist of two types of data collection. The first method used was desk study analysis of ten (10) file cases of development application and the second method involved is an in-depth interview with selected respondents. The result from the analysis of ten (10) file cases determined the decision making trends that were then cross-tabulated with the five principles of decision-making by using an indepth interview with the selected respondents. The result from the analysis indicates five principles of decision-making which is intuition, rational, authority, factual, and experience. The findings of this paper contribute towards the aspects of strategic decision-making, decision-maker practices, and further research. A comprehensive decision-making principle will then minimise the risk of fallacy in decision-making.
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Perlembagaan Persekutuan Malaysia
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